My acrylic portraits capture your loved ones in a modern family memento. Stiff sittings are not required as I work off of photos I take. My process begins with a visit and photo shoot in your home. I work directly with you, sending you a sketch to capture the specific mood of your place and the family's colorful personalities. If you live outside of the Los Angeles area, I can work off of photos you send me. Please inquire for quotes.
This section features custom pet portraits painted with acrylics, hand cut with a scroll saw, or created digitally. My process begins with a photoshoot in the local pet's home or from photos you send me. Please inquire for quotes.
I’ve always been intrigued by the family unit, how it unintentionally shapes individuals without them realizing it. Visiting the families in their homes allows me to see the children in their natural state free of care, running around in the living room they call their home, unaware that this patio or older sister’s bemused smirk will be part of their childhood memories.
The photos I take are a vantage point to tell a story of the family dynamics or to capture the mood of the time and place. The great thing about painting is that it is less of a literal translation and more of an artistic interpretation.

"I LOVE the painting. I look at it and see NOT a ‘portraity-portrait’, which I didn’t want; instead I see a beautiful and painterly interpretation of the elements of my life and surroundings that mean the most to me. It’s really emotional, and I feel lucky to have found you and your work.”–Alice Dinnean
“Jen called it the best present I’ve ever given her. That’s really impressive when you know that we’ve been together for seventeen years.”–Dave Goetsch
"This is incredible–the likeness to bar is uncanny! You’ve totally captured their essences, and even the dog’s essence! What an incredible work of art. We will treasure this always!"–Lisa Joy